Explore Pre-Vetted Solar Sites
We connect you to landowners with professionally pre-vetted sites. Sign up for launch news.
Land Pre-Vetted for Solar
We have already carried out preliminary assessment of the land for solar development. e.g. Financial viability, land slope, and distribution access.
Solar-Positive Landowners
All our landowners are eager to partner with solar developers, whether through land lease or co-development.
Support Our Communities
Our focus is on land located in disadvantaged areas to help spread the benefits of solar to all Americans.
Our Partners & Support

The Problem
Costly assessments and the search for willing property owners hinder solar developers from utilizing optimal solar locations. Consequently, vast tracts of prime solar territory remain undeveloped and community landowners are sidelined from participating in the clean energy shift.

Our Solution
EmpowerSun uses cutting-edge technology to perform preliminary geospatial, technical, and financial feasibility assessments for enthusiastic landowners. We then connect those landowners to developers and other reputable partners to help bring solar projects to life.
Explore Pre-Vetted Solar Sites
We connect you to landowners with professionally pre-vetted sites. Sign up for launch news.